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时间:2008-07-30 15:28来源: 作者: 点击:
微软认证专家 英文全称为Microsoft Certified Professional,简称MCP 微软认证专家 (MCP)认证的对象,是能在组织中顺利地执行 Microsoft 产品或技术,进而解决商业问题的专业人员。 The Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) credential is for professionals who

微软认证专家 英文全称为Microsoft Certified Professional,简称MCP

微软认证专家 (MCP)认证的对象,是能在组织中顺利地执行 Microsoft 产品或技术,进而解决商业问题的专业人员。

The Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) credential is for professionals who have the skills to successfully implement a Microsoft product or technology as part of a business solution in an organization. Hands-on experience with a product is necessary to successfully achieve certification.

阅读 MCP 认证的相关优惠,包括专属折扣价及受邀参与 Microsoft 特殊活动的权利,仅限于拥有 MCP 认证的人员才能获得。

Your pride in passing your exam is just the beginning. The benefits you receive as part of the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) community can help you:

• Keep your skills relevant, applicable, and competitive.
• Take certification with you on your career journey.
• Be a part of an active community of certified professionals around the world.


问. 入门阶段的微软认证专家证书有什么改变?
答. 自 1998 年 10 月 1 日起已通过目前的任何认证考试 (任何尚未取消的考试) 的投考人, 都会取得微软认证专家 (MCP) 证书。唯一例外是 考试 70-058:网络基本知识; 只通过这项考试无法让投考者取得 MCP 认证。
这项改变可溯及既往。任何自 1998 年 10 月 1 日起,已通过 目前认证考试的 MCP 投考人都将自该日起,取得 MCP 认证。
MCP 证书已逐步演变成反映工作需求的认证。目前所有 的 MCP 考试所衡量的能力都是一组利用单一某项 Microsoft 产品而与工作职责相关联的技能。新的 MCP 要求条件使一个人可以获得更接近今日技能需求的入门阶段认证。
问. 如果通过任何一门考试,可以享受目前所有的 MCP 好处吗?
答. 可以。从 1998 年 10 月 1 日开始,任何已通过一项认证考试 的投考人都会接到一份MCP Welcome Kit,立即享受好处。如果该项考试被取消,证书自取消之日起至少一年内仍然有效。
有关 与各项考试相关联的特定升级需求,请参阅考试的取消时间
请参阅 MCP 认证的优势 ,取得更多相关信息。
这项政策的唯一例外是考试 70-058:网络基本知识。只通过这项考试,而未通过其它考试,没有资格成为准 MCP。
问. 为什么唯独将“考试 70-058:网络基本知识”排除在外?
答. 考试 70-058:网络基本知识本来是作为 MCSE 认证整体的一部份,目的在补充其它 MCSE 核心考试的不足。这项考试本身无法测试特定工作职责所需的知识和技能,跟所有其它 MCP 考试都不同。
问. 我已通过“考试 70-051:Microsoft Access 2.0 for Windows — 应用程序开发”。可以取得 MCP 认证吗?
答. 不可以。考试 70-051 已被取消,所以您不是取得认证的 MCP。

取得 MCP 认证的条件

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) candidates are required to pass one current Microsoft Certification exam* that provides a valid and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise.

MCP exams are developed with the input of professionals in the industry; the exams reflect how Microsoft products are used in organizations throughout the world. The exams are administered by Prometric, an independent testing organization with locations worldwide.

Exam requirements

Please select a Microsoft exam from any certification track here. If you intend to continue pursuing a certification track after earning your MCP credential, you may want to choose an exam that will apply to that track.

*A current exam is any exam that has not been retired.

想取得 MCP 认证,请遵循这六个步骤。其中包括资源及信息的链接,可协助您完成取得认证的必要程序。

Six Steps to Certification

Decide Which Certification Is Right for You

Microsoft offers a wide range of certifications that cover the spectrum of professions within the IT industry. You decide which certification is appropriate and most benefits your career choices.

Gain Hands-on Experience with Microsoft Products

Working in the IT field gives you invaluable hands-on experience with Microsoft products and solutions, which will bolster any certification plan. You are well on your way to basic certifications with job-related experience of six months or more (one year for advanced certifications).

Expand Your Experience with Training

Take advantage of a wealth of training resources that will complement the way you learn best. Everything from study guides and tutorials to hands-on, instructor-led training can help enhance your skills.

Know What to Expect on Exams

For each MCP exam, you will find a guide that will familiarize you with the testing objectives, intended audience, and skills measured, and that contains suggestions to help you pass.

Take a Trial Run with a Practice Test

See whether you are ready to take an MCP certification exam with a comprehensive practice test. Although it is not designed to indicate exactly what your score would be, it does provide valuable feedback on the areas where you may need additional study, training, or hands-on work experience.

Take Your Required Exams

Exams are administered by independent testing organizations at locations worldwide. There are a variety of registration options—you can register through the Web or at a specific testing center site. Just select your area of study, testing program, and region.

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